Raja Yoga

Rajayoga is a yogic practice which leads the Sadhaks to the most immortal Spiritual realm. It is so-called because it is primarily concerned with the mind. The mind is traditionally conceived as the "king" of the psycho-physical structure which does its bidding (whether or not one has realized this). Because of the relationship between the mind and the body, the body must be first "tamed" through self-discipline and purified by various means (see Hatha Yoga). A good level of overall health and psychological integration must ...

Siva Vission

Lakshmi Nivas Puthencavu, P. O. Angadical , KERALA - India

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Rajayoga is a yogic practice which leads the Sadhaks to the most immortal Spiritual realm. It is so-called because it is primarily concerned with the mind. The mind is traditionally conceived as the "king" of the psycho-physical structure which does its bidding (whether or not one has realized this). Because of the relationship between the mind and the body, the body must be first "tamed" through self-discipline and purified by various means (see Hatha Yoga). A good level of overall health and psychological integration must be attained before the deeper aspects of yoga can be pursued. Humans have all sorts of addictions and obsessions and these preclude the attainment of tranquil abiding (meditation). Through restraint (yama) such as celibacy, abstaining from intoxicants, and careful attention to one's actions of body, speech and mind, the human being becomes fit to practice meditation. This yoke that one puts upon oneself (discipline) is another meaning of the word yoga. All spiritual practices orSadhanas finally reach to Rajayoga which is known as Atmadarsan or God vision.


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Pranams to cluster of all Rishis, Yogis, Siddhas, Manava and all Deva Sakthis. Welcome to Siva Vision, the noble mission started by Shri S.S. Yogi, a great spiritual exponent who has got enlightenment through continuous Sadhana of great Siva Mantra, "OM NAMASIVAYA" started this site with a noble intention to use his Kundalini Shakthi for the welfare of all human irrespective of religion caste and creed using internet media. Our website will act as a media for the people to express their hope, emotions, attainments, failures and success in spiritual and material world to S S Yogi. Great spiritual subjects like Kundalini Yoga, Karma Yoga, Siva Sakthi Philosophy, Advaita yogam and after all direction for leading spiritual attainment life can be achieved through a meeting or regular conversation with this great soul. We do not propagate any God Man's Philosophy which has no approval in our Sashtras and also any illusionary power or vision which leads to making of a God Man' and diversion from original path of enlightenment.

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Siva Vission

Lakshmi Nivas Puthencavu, P. O. Angadical, , KERALA - India

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