Reflexology, an ancient art and holistic therapy, is a natural form of healing, that is non-invasive, simple and safe. Its aim is to calm the mind, relax the body and connect us with our true spirit, resulting in balance, harmony and inner peace. It helps calm our overactive nerves, stimulates underactive glands and eases muscle tension. The trillions of cells receive a fresh lease of life, ensuring a good night’s sleep. It is the easiest and quickest way to relieve discomfort from aches, pains or cramps, fatigue, tiredness or exhaust...
No. 80/4-1, 1st Floor Wheeler Road, Cox Town , KARNATAKA - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteReflexology, an ancient art and holistic therapy, is a natural form of healing, that is non-invasive, simple and safe. Its aim is to calm the mind, relax the body and connect us with our true spirit, resulting in balance, harmony and inner peace. It helps calm our overactive nerves, stimulates underactive glands and eases muscle tension. The trillions of cells receive a fresh lease of life, ensuring a good night’s sleep. It is the easiest and quickest way to relieve discomfort from aches, pains or cramps, fatigue, tiredness or exhaustion. Recurrent migraines, chronic digestive disorders, ongoing anxiety, latent diabetes or hormonal imbalances is often brought under control with the help of reflexology.
Strong in its belief that every individual is unique, special, and has incredible power, Shalom Wellness vision is to be a rainbow of joy that inspires wellness for everyday living. Its experiential approach to personal growth makes it the how-to place to go to, to bring about a balance in body, mind and spirit as one learns to create better life experiences for oneself. Services range from experiential workshops and life coaching, to therapies and physical workout that bring about awareness, reflection, inspired action and positive change. Adults and children from all walks of life, focused groups, educational institutions, organizations and corporate teams, make up their realm of co-creators.
Wholesale Supplier
No. 80/4-1, 1st Floor Wheeler Road, Cox Town, Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA - India
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