Each human being has their own individual energy field which is deeply integrated at their Physical, Emotional and Spiritual levels. This energy field is called the Biofield of the person. Reiki Wellness Therapy taps into the Biofield of the individual to enhance their holistic well-being. It involves the Therapist or Healer tapping into the Universal Life Force Energy and directing it towards the recipient. Reiki energy then works at the Physical and Metaphysical levels to create wellness, and wherever required, even accelerate the healing pro...
Each human being has their own individual energy field which is deeply integrated at their Physical, Emotional and Spiritual levels. This energy field is called the Biofield of the person. Reiki Wellness Therapy taps into the Biofield of the individual to enhance their holistic well-being. It involves the Therapist or Healer tapping into the Universal Life Force Energy and directing it towards the recipient. Reiki energy then works at the Physical and Metaphysical levels to create wellness, and wherever required, even accelerate the healing process of the recipient. Reiki Wellness Therapy can be availed by: >. Healthy people for energizing and experiencing deep relaxation. • People with health issues for healing of any and every ailment. The process can be effected in two ways: > Hands on Reiki • Distance Reiki.
We invite you to Accept Embrace and Appreciate all of yourself Beyond the Right and Wrong, Hate and Love Judgments and Awards, Struggles and Rewards Worthiness and Unworthiness, Tears and Smiles Beyond the Beauty and Ugliness, the Angel and the Devil The Good and the Bad, Blame and Acceptance Let us embrace our Humanness To Love and Celebrate The Wonderful Beings.
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