Natural rose water is an important constituent in various cosmetic and medical preparations. In addition, they are also used in perfumes and attars. Having very distinctive flavor, natural rose water has distinctive benefit on the skin care. It cleanses and moisturizes the skin and is very effective for sensitive skin. Natural rose water is a natural skin toner and rejuvenates skin after a stressful day.
B - 29, Crescent Industrial Estate Kanjur Marg East Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteNatural rose water is an important constituent in various cosmetic and medical preparations. In addition, they are also used in perfumes and attars. Having very distinctive flavor, natural rose water has distinctive benefit on the skin care. It cleanses and moisturizes the skin and is very effective for sensitive skin. Natural rose water is a natural skin toner and rejuvenates skin after a stressful day.
Commenced in the year 2000, “Bombay Cosmetics” is one of the prominent processors and suppliers of Cosmetic Products. Our product range is featured with safe usage, effective results and accurate composition. These products are suitable for various skin types and can be used by both men and women. Dur to this, the product range we offer has gained the approval of International Aloe Science Council for using aloe-vera.
Wholesale Supplier
Preminder Kumar
B - 29, Crescent Industrial Estate Kanjur Marg East, Delhi, DELHI - India
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