Rudraksha Beads - 11 mukhi rudraksha (gyarah / eleven mukhi rudraksha) is a rudraksha with eleven mukhas or eleven natural lines on its shell. 11 mukhi rudraksha (gyarah / eleven mukhi rudraksha) represents the eleventh rudra or the lord hanuman, who is the deity of courage, heroism, and adventure. Lord hanuman keeps his gracious eyesight and his immense blessings with those, who have 11 mukhi rudraksha (gyarah / eleven mukhi rudraksha). Bearing it derives benefits equal to the benefits derived after donating thousands cows and performing thous...
Office No. 217, D-355, Vikas Marg, Lakshmi Niwas Building, Laxmi Nagar Delhi, DELHI - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteRudraksha Beads - 11 mukhi rudraksha (gyarah / eleven mukhi rudraksha) is a rudraksha with eleven mukhas or eleven natural lines on its shell. 11 mukhi rudraksha (gyarah / eleven mukhi rudraksha) represents the eleventh rudra or the lord hanuman, who is the deity of courage, heroism, and adventure. Lord hanuman keeps his gracious eyesight and his immense blessings with those, who have 11 mukhi rudraksha (gyarah / eleven mukhi rudraksha). Bearing it derives benefits equal to the benefits derived after donating thousands cows and performing thousand ashwamedha yagyas. Bearing 11 mukhi rudraksha (gyarah / eleven mukhi rudraksha) helps a person in maintaining a balance in between his worldly desires and the power of self control. Those who bear and worship 11 mukhi rudraksha (gyarah / eleven mukhi rudraksha) with complete devotion and true belief get all the obstacles and problems cleared from their way of success. One attains success in all spheres of life through it. By bearing of 11 mukhi rudraksha (gyarah / eleven mukhi rudraksha), a person attains control over all his senses, and all kinds of bad addictions vanish through his life. A person with this rudraksha also safeguards himself through an accidental death. 11 mukhi rudraksha (gyarah / eleven mukhi rudraksha) also protects a person from tantric effects. It helps a person to conquer over his enemies, if they are hundreds by number. Overall, people with 11 mukhi rudraksha (gyarah / eleven mukhi rudraksha) are bestowed with strength, knowledge, great expressions, adventurous life, and success. Such person also develops the ability to make right judgment at the right time. The mantra for 11 mukhi rudraksha (gyarah / eleven mukhi rudraksha) is Om shree rudray namah. Om hreem hum namah . There is no ruling planet of 11 mukhi rudraksha (gyarah / eleven mukhi rudraksha).
Rudraksh Is Formed By Association Of Two Words, `RUDRA` And `AKSHA" . Rudra Is The Name Of Lord Shiva. Aksha Means `tear`. It Is Said That The Plant Of Rudraksha Is Originated From The Tear Drops Of Lord Shiva. As Per The Vedic Scriptures Rudraksha Can Nullify The Effects Of Malefic Planets To A Great Extent. Shastras Say Rudraksh Bead Of Any Mukhis Can Never Do Any Harm To The Wearer Unlike Navratnas, Which Have To Be Carefully Chosen. No Other Necklace Or Bead Is So Auspicious And Powerful As Rudraksha. Rudraksh Bead Come In Different Mukhis Or The Clefts Or Furrows On The Surface. Shastras Speak Of 1 To 38 Mukhis But Normally 1 To 14 Mukhis Are Used For Astrological Benefits. Each Bead Has A Different Effect On You, Depending On The Number Of Mukhis It Has. Each Rudraksha Is Very Individualistic And Has To Be Carefully Matched With One`s Horoscope For It To Be Beneficial. Tantra Yantra Mantra Has A Very Important Place For Rudraksha. Vedas Have Given Special Weightage To Rudraksha, As It Is Believed That Rudraksha Has Originated From The Tears Of Lord Shiva. Rudraksha Have Tremendous Energy And Power. Rudraksha Is Best Known For Its Biomedical Properties And In Controlling Stress, Hypertension And Blood Pressure. Rudraksha Is Available Mainly In Nepal And Malayasia. Astrologer Mr. Ganeesh Has Meditated On This Subject For Many Years And After Various Researches He Establishes The Fact That Rudraksha Are Worn For Their Specific Benefits. These Are Much More Powerful And Can Help Achieve Wonders, If Energized And Empowered The Right Way. Rudraksha Of Different Mukhis Pleases The Corresponding Planets. If Worn Under Right Guidance With Complimenting To The Planets In The Horoscope The Results Are Miraculous. With This Vision & Experience, We Provide Counseling Solutions For Different Modules Of Life Like: 1)Life Predictions 2)Academic Report 3)Business Report 4)Marriage Analysis 5)Career Report 6)Child Report 7)Match Making 8)Horoscope 9)Personality Enhancement Counseling 10)Teenage Counseling 11)Live Recommendation.
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Ganish Kapoor
Office No. 217, D-355, Vikas Marg, Lakshmi Niwas Building, Laxmi Nagar, Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA - India
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