Satyananda Yoga is a structured Yoga Program for school children developed as per the Bihar School of Yoga tradition. This curriculum based program from class 4 to class 12, is developed over more than a decade of trial and testing in real-time school environment. Our trainers are well-trained by experts in the field who have trained thousands of children over the years. Read More... Satyananda Yoga, offered as an in-school program can be easily integrated into the school time-table as well as into the child’s life effortlessly.
New No. 4, Nowrojee Road, Chetpet Chennai, TAMIL NADU - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteSatyananda Yoga is a structured Yoga Program for school children developed as per the Bihar School of Yoga tradition. This curriculum based program from class 4 to class 12, is developed over more than a decade of trial and testing in real-time school environment. Our trainers are well-trained by experts in the field who have trained thousands of children over the years. Read More... Satyananda Yoga, offered as an in-school program can be easily integrated into the school time-table as well as into the child’s life effortlessly.
ducation is not mere accumulation or dumping of information into the mind of the student. Swami Vivekananda said “We want that education by which character is formed, Strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one’s own feet.”Happiness is the real nature of man. Being Happy in life is equivalent to Being Successful… implying Happiness is not a destination to be achieved, it is the way to live life. An in-depth and thorough scientific analysis of human nature by our ancient seers established that an individual is primarily composed of four facets viz., Physical Body, Vital Energy (Prana), Mind (seat of cognition and emotions), Intellect (seat of thoughts and ideas) and the essential life principle (Spirit). Along with optimal development of the former trio, body-mind-intellect, a clear understanding of the guiding force of life and universal laws comprising the spiritual learning, makes the learning wholesome at the individual level. Additionally one has to develop certain Social Skills to acclimatise and have a harmonious relationship with his society and environment. In the 21st century money has become a necessary means of transacting with fellow men. It is not an exaggeration to say that money has now become the sixth sense, which one has to master along with his other five senses. One needs to possess skills to develop right attitude and approach towards money, the right way to earn and utilise it, so that he can control money rather than let it control him. Education process thus has to equip one with basic financial skills so that he lives in harmony with money.
Wholesale Supplier
New No. 4, Nowrojee Road, Chetpet, Ahmedabad, GUJARAT - India
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