RS. 180/

SHAKTI PLUS is a composite herbal formulation designed to provide an urgent reliable and safe genital stimulation and release in males composed of asphaltum (shilajeet) along with sulphide of mercury (makerdwaj) and several tradition esteemed herbs and minerals that have been derived after consulation from various ancient books. SHAKTI PLUS is specially suited for male sexual inadequacies with a strong psychological or emotional component(s). Other ingredients in SHAKTI PLUS gently stimulate spinal centers responsible for a passionate play and ...

J.K. Health Care

Near Jail Fatak, Gandhi Calony Road, Shivpuri Muzaffarnagar, UTTAR PRADESH - India

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Product Specification

Product Description

SHAKTI PLUS is a composite herbal formulation designed to provide an urgent reliable and safe genital stimulation and release in males composed of asphaltum (shilajeet) along with sulphide of mercury (makerdwaj) and several tradition esteemed herbs and minerals that have been derived after consulation from various ancient books. SHAKTI PLUS is specially suited for male sexual inadequacies with a strong psychological or emotional component(s). Other ingredients in SHAKTI PLUS gently stimulate spinal centers responsible for a passionate play and promote general vitality and vigor too.Taken in 2 doses of 1-2 capsules each 2 and 1 hour before intended enjoyment. SHAKTI PLUS helps desirous males actively overcome erectile difficulties and obtains a greater, superior and steeper trajectory of amatory passion and in the management of age defying factors like the reduction to wrinkles in addition to the restoration of the lost vigor vitality. Completely safe, SHAKTI PLUS is composed of natural ingredients, contains no steroids or Hormones or organic nitrates or No-donors, is not contra indicated in patient taking anti-anginal medicines and is completely avoid of post-coital side effects like angina, palpitations or priapism. The gentle aphrodisiac action of SHAKTI PLUS can be continued on a regular daily dosage of 1 capsule a day.


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J.K. Health Care

Mukesh Bansal

Near Jail Fatak, Gandhi Calony Road, Shivpuri, , PUNJAB - India

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