Olive oil : It has Vit A & E along with polyphenols which are well known for their effect of anti aging by taking out free radicals from it. Olive oil also contains a natural moisturizer, called squalene which regulates the action of sebum. Sebum is the secretion from skin that makes it greasy. So by squalene skin gets normal and adequate amount of moisture another important nutritive content of olive oil is CHLOROPHYLL, which heals the wound and diminishes the scars. So totally olive oil is the best tonic for skin. Almond oil :It has...
No. 297, 6th Cross, 5th Block, 3rd Phase, BSK 3 Stage , KARNATAKA - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteOlive oil : It has Vit A & E along with polyphenols which are well known for their effect of anti aging by taking out free radicals from it. Olive oil also contains a natural moisturizer, called squalene which regulates the action of sebum. Sebum is the secretion from skin that makes it greasy. So by squalene skin gets normal and adequate amount of moisture another important nutritive content of olive oil is CHLOROPHYLL, which heals the wound and diminishes the scars. So totally olive oil is the best tonic for skin. Almond oil :It has Vit E and omega fatty acids which moisturize the skin deeply. Soothes the skin irritation and inflammation. Improves complexion and retains glow. Lightens the dark pigmentation. Cures chapped lips and body rashes. Relieves dryness and itching. It is a complete nourishment to the skin. Aloevera : It is the oldest and widely used anti aging complexion enhancer. It has more than 100 active ingredients that soften, tone and moisturize the skin. It has 98% water in it which actually quenches the thirst of skin. So in combination, SKINARC is the best caretaker of the skin that cleanses, tones and moisturize the skin along with providing nutrition to it. The aim of Skinarc is healthy, glowing, flawless skin.
Wholesale Supplier
No. 297, 6th Cross, 5th Block, 3rd Phase, BSK 3 Stage, Ludhiana, PUNJAB - India
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