Terminalia Arjuna

Available with us in various packaging material, this range of Arjuna Capsules (Terminalia Arjuna) is processed under the guidance of eligible team mates who are well versed with this domain. In addition to this, our range is accredited for accuracy and longer shelf life that further helps us to attain maximum patron satisfaction.

Mystic Herbs Private Limited

136-A, Civil Lines, Circuit House Crossing Bareilly, UTTAR PRADESH - India

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Product Specification

Product Description

Available with us in various packaging material, this range of Arjuna Capsules (Terminalia Arjuna) is processed under the guidance of eligible team mates who are well versed with this domain. In addition to this, our range is accredited for accuracy and longer shelf life that further helps us to attain maximum patron satisfaction.


About Company

With a history dating back many centuries, when his earlier generations practiced Unani Medicine in Amroha, more as an scholarly discipline than to earn money. The history in Bareilly dates back to 1887, when his grandfather Hakeem Mukhtar Ahmad Sahab started his clinic in Bareilly, the tradition was carried on by his father, famous Hakeem Siddiq Ahmad Sahab, famous as a practitioner, Philosopher and an Intellectual. This family of Unani practitioners is undoubtedly one of the oldest in the field of herbal medicine in India, with the current generation claiming to be 10th consecutive generation involved in serving mankind with Unani Herbal Medicines. The current generation bestowed with the rich heritage of Tibb-e-Unani (Greek-Arab system of medical science), from their ancestors has ceaselessly maintained its illustrious tradition of producing the finest quality products for the betterment of your health and well-being and is continuously enhancing their heritage.

Company Factsheet

Nature of Business

Nature of Business

Wholesale Supplier

Year of Establishment

Year of Establishment


Total Number of Employees

Total Number of Employees


Legal Status of Firm

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Mystic Herbs Private Limited

Ameed Murad

136-A, Civil Lines, Circuit House Crossing, Bangalore, - India

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