We are one of the reputed Triphala juice manufactuere and suppliers from Utarkhand. The Triphala juice supplied by us has been a huge hit in the market because of its matchless medicinal qualities and great taste. The hygenic processing and tamperproof packing of our Triphala juice ensures freshness and purity of the juice.
We are one of the reputed Triphala juice manufactuere and suppliers from Utarkhand. The Triphala juice supplied by us has been a huge hit in the market because of its matchless medicinal qualities and great taste. The hygenic processing and tamperproof packing of our Triphala juice ensures freshness and purity of the juice.
Ayurveda, the age old tradition of Indian culture is the safest way of curing various illnesses and diseases. Gurukul Mahavidyalaya Pharmacy is the name that has been fostering new standards of Ayurveda since 1907. Our company is actively engaged in introducing various Ayurvedic formulations like Herbal juices, herbal Candies, Ayurvedic oil, Badam Powder, Energetic tablets and so on in the market. Our products are the true symbols of purity and originality, and are also highly beneficial for your well being.
Wholesale Supplier
Shalini Parashar
P O Gurikul Mahavidhayala, Bhavnagar, GUJARAT - India
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