Combination : Roots of WIthania Somnifera and leaves of Cammellia Synasis. 'These two herbs are blended in correct proportion in order to obtain maximum result. Purpose : The roots of the herb, Withania Somnifera is known for properties like reducing the nervous debility and giving good strength to the body. It beautifies the body also. It removes excessive heat from the body, improves the muscle strength and gives sleep and longevity of life. It helps to lead a better sex life by giving strength at any age. Proportion : 40% Camellia S...
33, New Municipal Double Storey Market,Lodhi Colony, New Delhi, 110003.End of Meharchand Market. Delhi, DELHI - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteCombination : Roots of WIthania Somnifera and leaves of Cammellia Synasis. 'These two herbs are blended in correct proportion in order to obtain maximum result. Purpose : The roots of the herb, Withania Somnifera is known for properties like reducing the nervous debility and giving good strength to the body. It beautifies the body also. It removes excessive heat from the body, improves the muscle strength and gives sleep and longevity of life. It helps to lead a better sex life by giving strength at any age. Proportion : 40% Camellia Synasis is added to make the drink more palatable and easy to consume 60% Withania Sominfera serves the purpose of the herb. vigour tea Preparation : Take one spoon of Neels Vigour Tea and boll with (approx. 200ml) of milk (preferably cow's milk) for about six minutes. Strain it into a cup. Add sugar to your taste and drink. Direction : One cup in the morning and one cup in the night after meals. The treatment could be continued as long as it is required. Advantage : Vigour Tea is beneficial for men and women. The result is good for people of both sexes. Packing : Neels Vigour Tea is available in convenient pet Jars of l00gm and 200gm . Keep it in a cool, dry place. It is available in bulk also.
33, New Municipal Double Storey Market,Lodhi Colony, New Delhi, 110003.End of Meharchand Market., Jaipur, RAJASTHAN - India
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