Weight Loss Supplements

Weight Loss Supplements - herbal weight loss churna works completely with body's physiology. It is a completely herbal formulation that has been tested. It combines the latest scientific research with a primary focus on natural health principles. Namira weight loss is a complete herbal medicine that makes one stronger, physically as well as mentally, will lose extra weight, begin to feel much healthier & full of energy. It's all done naturally with no injurious chemicals. It is effective in reducing the fat & facilitates the b...

Rajasthan Aushadhalaya Private Limited

A- 102, Sani Apartment, S. V. Road, Jogeshwari Wes Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA - India

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Product Specification

Product Description

Weight Loss Supplements - herbal weight loss churna works completely with body's physiology. It is a completely herbal formulation that has been tested. It combines the latest scientific research with a primary focus on natural health principles. Namira weight loss is a complete herbal medicine that makes one stronger, physically as well as mentally, will lose extra weight, begin to feel much healthier & full of energy. It's all done naturally with no injurious chemicals. It is effective in reducing the fat & facilitates the burning out of the extra calories to maintain the normal appetite. It engenders enzymatic activity in the thyroid to increase metabolism, rejuvenates the liver which holds the key to many of the body's fat burning mechanisms, minimizes nervous tension to remove turmoil in the digestive enzymes to hasten digestion so food has less opportunity to be converted into stored fat, supports blood formation, maintains a healthy balance.


About Company

A well reputed organization Rajasthan Herbals International a division of Rajasthan Aushdhalaya Pvt Ltd has grown as a renowned entity in the field of manufacturing, marketing & exporting ayurvedic medicines, pharmaceutical products and cosmetic (FMCG) products under the brand name "Namira".

Company Factsheet

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Nature of Business

Wholesale Supplier

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Rajasthan Aushadhalaya Private Limited

Salim Diwan

A- 102, Sani Apartment, S. V. Road, Jogeshwari Wes, Delhi, DELHI - India

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