YOGA is a system of exercises practiced to promote control of the body, mind and soul. There are innumerable Psychological and Physiological benefits of Yoga.
YOGA is a system of exercises practiced to promote control of the body, mind and soul. There are innumerable Psychological and Physiological benefits of Yoga.
Stars of Fortune wants to reach out and help as many people as it can through its founder Acharya Narendra Vashisht ji who being a versatile personality, has spent many years in detailed research and study of Astrology, Gemology, Alternative Medicine, Reiki, Magneto-therapy, Yoga, Meditation, Mantras and Tantras and believes that astrology has to reach the end user and benefit him through simple, inexpensive and effective remedial measures.
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A- 4, Meera Bagh, Paschim Vihar, , KARNATAKA - India
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