QUICK RELIEF:CONTROL IN SHORT TIME:CURE IN CERTAIN TIME. Yoga therapy is the new wave world over. it has been proved scientifically that most of the chronic diseases are psychosomatic in nature, Hence, yoga is preferred as it rectifies not only the physical part that is ailing but the subtle psychological aspect as well.This wholistic reality has enabled millions world over to tackle diseases successfully.
QUICK RELIEF:CONTROL IN SHORT TIME:CURE IN CERTAIN TIME. Yoga therapy is the new wave world over. it has been proved scientifically that most of the chronic diseases are psychosomatic in nature, Hence, yoga is preferred as it rectifies not only the physical part that is ailing but the subtle psychological aspect as well.This wholistic reality has enabled millions world over to tackle diseases successfully.
Svasayoga started with a motive of spreading peace, health , and leading a fuller life. We constantly enrich our services and yoga and therapy classes and courses. we see each one is fully enriched with us. Compact centre with a friendly teacher. We teach and treat as per the person with personalized attention
Wholesale Supplier
Jawahar Govindan
7.2, Lingian street, Indore, MADHYA PRADESH - India
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