Yoga Therapy Courses Yoga therapy is now considered worldwide as one of the best means for self-improvement and attaining a balanced mind, body and spirit. In fact, the more advanced stages of yoga involve attaining sentience which will create a blissful feeling and deep peace on an individual. In some cases, it is said to develop a person’s psychic skills and sense of purpose. The methods, after all, aim to increase a person’s energy supply to keep the life forces in working condition. At the same time, yoga will teach you to remo...
No. 189, Diamond Harbour Road, Thakurpukur Study Point Kolkata, WEST BENGAL - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteYoga Therapy Courses Yoga therapy is now considered worldwide as one of the best means for self-improvement and attaining a balanced mind, body and spirit. In fact, the more advanced stages of yoga involve attaining sentience which will create a blissful feeling and deep peace on an individual. In some cases, it is said to develop a person’s psychic skills and sense of purpose. The methods, after all, aim to increase a person’s energy supply to keep the life forces in working condition. At the same time, yoga will teach you to remove any of the possible interference in the transfer of energy throughout the body.
We are committed to promote, spread globally and advance the art and science of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) and its various branches like Acupuncture, Acupressure, Bach Flower Remedies, Electro Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga, Herbal Medicines, Psychological Counseling, Radiesthesia, Shiatsu, Hypnosis, Radionics Massage, Bioenergetics, Chromotherapy, Gem-Tele Therapy, Medical-Astro Therapy, Urine Therapy, Aromatherapy, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Reiki, Magnet Therapy, Reflexology, and other branches of alternative medicine and make people aware of this form of treatment of ailments, thereby raising the status and goodwill of Alternative Medicine all over the world.
Wholesale Supplier
Sumanta Bhattacharjee
No. 189, Diamond Harbour Road, Thakurpukur Study Point, Indore, MADHYA PRADESH - India
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