GAYP: Greens Ayur Yoga Program – ( 2 and 4 weeks): GACY- Clinical Yoga program GAYT- Yoga therapy program The word is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’meaning to unite and deeply indicating the union of jeevathma (soul) and paramathma(universal soul). Yoga practice is guided from the very beginning with integrative intention, which plays a powerful role in restoring internal balance and harmony, allowing you to progressively move toward the Zero Stress Yoga Zone. Apart from the spiritual goals the physical postur...
GAYP: Greens Ayur Yoga Program – ( 2 and 4 weeks): GACY- Clinical Yoga program GAYT- Yoga therapy program The word is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’meaning to unite and deeply indicating the union of jeevathma (soul) and paramathma(universal soul). Yoga practice is guided from the very beginning with integrative intention, which plays a powerful role in restoring internal balance and harmony, allowing you to progressively move toward the Zero Stress Yoga Zone. Apart from the spiritual goals the physical postures of yoga are used to alleviate health problems, reduce stress and make the spine supple in contemporary times. Yoga is also used as a complete exercise program and physical therapy routine.
Founder / Director: Greens Ayur Center Chief Physician : Greens Ayur Hospital Course Director : Greens Ayur Study Center, Azhiyur Medical Officer : RG Ayurveda Medical College, Mahe (A Goverment of Puducherry institution) International Ayurvedic Consultant : for the past 15 years
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